Welcome to wave 2!
This will be our first patch after adding a few hundred new players into the alpha. Along with them, we’ve added some balance changes and few bug fixes.
Gameplay Changes
Stuns now prevent jumping and dodging.
Ability cool downs now tick down while party members aren’t in use.
Balance changes
Reduced the end lag on Rush.
Reduced the end lag on Quicksand.
Reduced the end lag on Roar.
Reduced end lag on Roar.
Reduced end lag on Startle.
Slightly reduced Swipes combo speed.
Reduced end lag on Startle.
Slightly increased orientation speed.
Slightly increased orientation speed.
Increased collider radius by 30%.
Cooldown reduced from 5 seconds to 3 seconds.
Cooldown reduced from 5 seconds to 3 seconds.
Bug fixes
Improved hit detection of Earth Swipes.
Fixed some instances of an issue that caused character’s dodge and damage visuals to remain longer than intended.
Added a temporary fix for falling through the map that repositions characters back in the arena.