Base Package
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Receive a digital copy of the game upon release, as well as an exclusive cosmetic item for your character. Estimated delivery date: 2024


  • Digital Copy of The Game (2024)

  • Forebears’ Hoodie In-Game Cosmetic

  • In-Game Title: "Kindred"

  • Official Soundtrack (2024)

  • Access to the Progress Board

  • Digital Wallpapers

Challenger Package
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Receive access to the Closed-Beta Combat Arena! Here you'll be able to battle friends online and give feedback on how the game feels. Estimated Beta delivery date: 2023


  • Closed-Beta Combat Arena Key (2023)

  • In-Game Title: "Challenger"

  • Digital Copy of The Game (2024)

  • Forebears’ Hoodie In-Game Cosmetic

  • Official Soundtrack (2024)

  • Access to the Progress Board

  • Digital Wallpapers

Champion Package
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Jump into the game's Combat Arena even sooner with Closed-Alpha access!


  • Closed-Alpha Combat Arena Key (Steam Only!)

  • In-Game Title: "Champion"

  • Closed-Beta Combat Arena Key (2023)

  • Digital Copy of The Game (2024)

  • Forebears’ Hoodie In-Game Cosmetic

  • Official Soundtrack (2024)

  • Access to the Progress Board

  • Digital Wallpapers