Skymill Studios Refund Policy

refund process

You can request a refund for any purchase on the Skymill Studios store regardless of the reason — so long as your purchase meets all of the criteria outlined below.

Send an email to explaining the situation to get assistance processing your refund. Make sure to include any relevant information (receipt, order confirmation, or similar documents) and details about your interaction with our platform (Skymill Studios Account System information, Steam account, etc…) as applicable.

Elligibility criteria

A purchase through the Skymill Studios Web Store can be refunded so long as all of the following criteria are met:

  • Less than two full weeks have passed since the date and time of your purchase.

  • If your purchase included a copy of a game, your playtime on that copy of the game does not exceed two full hours.

A purchase through Steam is subject to Steam’s normal refund eligibility guidelines, accessible here.