Kindred Fates 5th Anniversary Announcement


Hello everybody! This is Rob Cravens, Creative Director on Kindred Fates and team lead at Skymill Studios.

With today being the 5th anniversary of the game’s Kickstarter, and many of our longer term plans finally solidifying, I want to take some time to talk about our team’s journey working on Kindred Fates so far, and what to expect in the future. I also know many of you have been patiently waiting to hear more, and today, we have some big announcements to make about the upcoming Combat Arena Beta release, new single player content, and beyond!

There’s a lot to cover, but please consider reading this announcement in its entirety, as it contains important context and may answer many questions you’d consider asking.



First things first, a quick timeline update.

Earlier this month during testing, we found that in order for the Beta to reach a release level of quality when it comes to the feeling of network latency or lag, more work was needed on the game's network architecture. This work is now complete, and online combat feels way better as a result! This has pushed the release of the Beta outside of our previous Q1 target, which we sincerely apologize for. We hope that on launch you feel the result was worth the wait! With these improvements now finished, I’m glad to say we’re ready to give a final release date for the Combat Arena Beta .

I’m excited to announce that the Combat Arena Beta will be releasing April 26th, 2025!

We’d also like to give you a clear picture of what to expect from the Beta’s release, in addition to all of the currently accessible Alpha Combat Arena content.

Here’s an overview of what to expect:

  • New PvP content:

    • Two newly playable arenas.

    • Two newly playable Kinfolk.

    • A handful of new abilities.

  • Some single player content, including:

    • A limited area of the game world to explore.

    • A small amount of gathering and cooking.

    • A few points of interest and introductory puzzles to interact with.

    • A short mission that introduces the player to Red Letter Mode.

    • Catching Kinfolk.

    • Permadeath (PvP excluded).

  • The Combat Arena Beta will be released as an update to the Alpha Combat Arena on Steam. Players who already have access to the Alpha Combat Arena will automatically have access to the Beta.

  • Players who previously purchased a Challenger Package from our website or backed the Kickstarter at the Challenger tier will receive a key in their account when the Beta goes live, giving them access to the game on Steam.

  • The price on Steam when purchasing a new copy of the Combat Arena Beta will be reduced from $55 USD to $45 USD. This is to reflect the difference in price between Champion tier packages and Challenger tier packages of the game.

  • Although the Combat Arena Alpha currently contains few means of progression, Alpha players should expect a progression reset to occur as a part of the Beta’s release.



Now for those of you who have wanted to see more story, more world building, more core gameplay, Kinfolk, characters, official art, or just more reveals of any kind: I have big news.

Sometime after the launch of the Combat Arena Beta we will be releasing an early access version of Kindred Fates.
Everyone with a key to the full game will have free access to this!
In this release you will have access to everything that has been completed in the single player game up to that point.

It’s extremely important to me that we do this right. From our perspective it demands a lot of careful consideration and communication with you all, so please give us your thoughts on what this should look like. We’re looking forward to this being a conversation. I don’t have a timeline for you just yet on this, but we'll update you with one as soon as we have more detailed information. Expect more updates about Early Access as it gets closer and we have the details organized.

To summarize:

  • Sometime after Beta, the game will be released in Early Access.

  • Early Access will contain everything that has been completed in the game.

  • Anyone who owns a copy of the game does not need to purchase Early Access.

  • We'll provide more updates when it's closer and we have the details organized.



I know the decision to go early access might be confusing since we've always stated our plan is to release the full game all at once. While we really had hoped to keep the full sense of wonder and exploration under wraps until the game's full release, given the current timeline, we recognize that that’s no longer what’s best for the game. We’ve also seen that when devs understand and handle early access well, those games often transition out of it into awesome completed projects. Baldur's Gate, Subnautica, Hades, Slay the Spire, Satisfactory, and RimWorld to name a few.

As we’ve said from the beginning, our plan has been to partner with a publisher to secure the rest of the funding required for the full game. Based on the reception we saw from publishers during and after the Kickstarter, this was looking extremely achievable. However, since we still have not signed with a publisher, we don’t currently have the funding to release the full game without first releasing in Early Access. Again, if you backed us for a full game key, you will not need to purchase the Early Access game. The $685k pledged to Kindred Fates is a lot of money, and we can’t thank you all enough for that, but with taxes and paying ~8 full time team members + freelance artists for over 4 years, it goes quickly!

To help put this in perspective:

8 full time developers at an average of $35 an hour, 8 hours a day = $2240 a day or $582,400 a year.

This isn’t even including taxes, operating costs, software licensing fees, or any of the many talented freelance artists we’ve worked with over the years. Not to mention many of us frequently worked more than 8 hours a day and on the weekends.

We’ve done our best since the beginning to manage the Kickstarter funds well and stretch them as far as possible, to the point where some of us have taken on second jobs, or gone completely without pay for long periods of time (including right now), and taken out hundreds of thousands of dollars in loans. Despite this, the Kickstarter funds eventually ran out, and all of the funding for Kindred Fates’ development has since come directly from the die-hard members of our team who still believe in this game with all their heart and soul. They’ve put everything they possibly can into keeping Kindred Fates alive, which by now has well surpassed the Kickstarter funds.

All of this is to say that this decision wasn’t made lightly, and that at this point we sincerely believe that an early access release is the best route for the continued development of the game.



Next, I’d like to shed some light on our experience in the realm of publishers, and how that has impacted our decisions. Over the years we've been very quiet about our situation when it comes to publishers. This has been in large part due to NDAs.

For those who aren’t familiar, an NDA is a legal document that two parties sign before talking about sensitive information, where they agree not to talk about their discussion with anyone else. This is an extremely common and normal process in the games industry. Most publishers require developers to sign an NDA before beginning serious business discussions with them. These NDAs are mutually beneficial to both parties. We’re simplifying things here, but they protect devs from things like publishers who may want to steal their ideas or spoil unreleased content, and they protect publishers from devs who may want to leak company info or spoil upcoming titles. So sharing details with your community relating to what’s being talked about with a publisher while under NDA can at a minimum jeopardize current talks, and at worst, land you in legal trouble, even if you’re trying to speak in very general terms. Even saying something as vague as "we had a meeting with a publisher last week that went really well!" is risky because it can be used as a justification of untrustworthiness or unprofessionalism. We haven't wanted to take any risks in losing an opportunity.

We still haven't given up on potentially working with a publisher in the future, but we have decided it is important now to share some of what we've been going through, and what led to us pursuing self-publishing via Early Access.

At this point we've spoken to over 50 publishers. We made it very far into talks with many of them, and some seemed like they were all but a guarantee. Over the years we've made two different demos for publishers to play (one in 2021 and one in 2023), which is part of the reason why we've been unable to provide reliable timelines. It was very important to complete these demos as soon as possible, and at times, it seemed like we were very close to reaching a deal with a publisher. Getting a publisher would drastically change our internal timelines, so we often held off on publicly providing one, expecting that we would be able to make a proper one “any day now”. At any point during 2021 to 2023 we had upwards of 4 different timelines depending on ongoing talks with publishers, with no idea which would come true. I know many people would have appreciated more concrete dates, but there truly were none. Any dates we could have given wouldn't have been reliable with all that was going on. If nothing else, hopefully this helps to  show the difficulty of the situation.

What was very encouraging was that at the onset, all of the publishers who we met really liked Kindred Fates! However, it was very common for publishers to have group playtests and then give us their feedback on minor things they wanted to see changed. These weren’t big, drastic, overarching changes, just things like “We want movement to feel snappier” or, “shielding doesn’t feel quite right”. Typically improvements that would have been made during the polishing phase before a public release anyway, and were very easy to fix. So we would happily go back and improve on those little things that were preventing a deal from being made. But working on these small polish-phase issues while other major mechanics still were in their infancy made for a very disorienting development process. Instead of building a house the normal way, we were asked to hang picture frames on walls that were still being put up. And inevitably after showing them the finished improvements, there would always be more they would tack on.

It’s worth mentioning that not every publisher did this, and some were extraordinarily sympathetic and truly did avoid it. But each publisher who we went through this with was a large time commitment on our end, especially those who turned us away at the very end of their process. There was even more than one occasion where the publishing team or division responsible for finding games to publish disbanded or closed down in the middle of our talks with them. Some of these were household name publishers who you may have heard about breaking up or cutting back in the news. It’s been a rough few years for publishers.

Another major contributing factor to why we still haven’t signed with a publisher is the current state of the games industry, which entered a 30 year low around 2023 that it still hasn’t recovered from. Simply put, this caused massive layoffs, forced many publishing studios to close, greatly restricted the amount of money publishers were willing to spend on new games, and generally made them much more afraid of taking risks. For many publishers right now, it’s not enough to just have a successful game. You need a game they think is likely to bring in 10x or more of its investment.

Despite all of this, we still want Kindred Fates! We’ve decided to forge ahead and make our own path by self-publishing. Even if that path wasn’t our first choice, it’s the one that we believe will ultimately bring our game to life, so we know it will be worth it.



I want to take some time to peel back the curtain and take a deeper look at what we’ve been up to over the last 5 years. Even if you read our newsletters every week it can be tricky to piece together the bigger picture of what the game’s progress looks like. So, we’ve put together a general overview of how we’ve spent the development time since the Kickstarter campaign, which hopefully helps clarify some things and illustrate our team’s journey building Kindred Fates so far.

With today being the 5th anniversary of our Kickstarter, we’ve also sprinkled in a collection of our community events along the way.

— 2020 —


  • We worked on the baseline features necessary to release the first version of the Combat Arena Alpha (such as online functionality, building arenas, combat itself, etc).

  • In the background, we started work on a wide variety of new concept art pieces for the single player game. These included environments, major set pieces, and Kinfolk.

  • Within days of the end of the Kickstarter, we received emails from dozens of publishers who were eager to meet with us and discuss Kindred Fates. Throughout the year we pitched our vision of the game to them and it was received very favorably. Excitement was high, but there came a point with each where talks couldn’t progress without a playable demo.

Post Kickstarter - March 2020

  • After the success of the Kickstarter and its stretch goals like co-op, we knew we needed to largely rewrite a lot of code. 

  • Development on online multiplayer functionality began.

April - June 2020

  • Tons of progress was made on the Kinfolk and abilities slated for the Alpha.

  • We hosted our music contest! Fans submitted over 70 different original compositions for use in the game, and in the end GMaree emerged victorious with their track, “It’s Kinda Sombre Tho.” We still go back and listen to many of these tracks to this day, and It’s Kinda Sombre Tho remains one of our favorites in the game.

July - September 2020

  • Lots of work creating arenas.

  • Launched the Skymill Account system.

  • Work started on new music and sound effects.

October - December 2020

  • Hosted our pumpkin contest!

  • November 30th: The Combat Arena Alpha was released to the first wave of players! Subsequent waves followed shortly after. With this release, players got their hands on Kindred Fates for the first time.

  • For the next several months after the release of the Alpha, we focused on fixing bugs and releasing patches.

  • We shared the Combat Arena Alpha with publishers as our first playable demo. Reactions were very positive despite the early state of the game, but most felt that they needed to try a demo of the single player side of the game before continuing discussions further.




  • For a small number of publishers, playing the Combat Arena was enough for discussions to continue. These talks progressed for a few months, and one publisher in particular was looking like a really strong partner who was ready to pull the trigger with us. Ultimately, they decided to pass, not wanting to take a risk on a new team working on such a big game. This was disappointing, but it affirmed that we really needed a single player demo to prove to publishers that our team was capable of building what we told them we could.

  • Throughout this year, while part of the team continued to work on smaller things related to the Alpha, the majority of the team shifted focus to work on the “VSL” or Vertical Slice (Lite).

    • This is the 2021 demo mentioned earlier in this post, and it was primarily built for publishers. 

    • A vertical slice is a playable demo that showcases a game’s core mechanics and gameplay loops. It acts as a way to communicate how the final game is intended to play while also proving that the studio making it is capable of building everything they say they can.

    • We referred to this demo as a Vertical Slice Lite because while it had things like an explorable open world, Capture, PvE Encounters, Missions, a short Dungeon, NPCs, Branching Dialogue, a World Map, Permadeath, Leveling, Evolution, Weather, and Day/Night Cycles, it was still missing some features that would be required for a true Vertical Slice. 

    • The feedback we were getting from most publishers was that they were super interested and all we needed to do was showcase the core gameplay, then we could start talking deal terms. We were told countless times that “it doesn’t need to be polished, it’s fine to have lots of place holder art, we don’t care about the rough edges.”

  • Most of this year was spent building each of the core gameplay mechanics for the single player side of the game. In part at the encouragement of some publishers, we prioritized building critical features rather than making things pretty. We did this knowing that once we had a publishing deal, we would have funding for the art. This VSL used our old lighting system, old character shader, and used some outdated models such as our old player character model.

  • Work on 2D concept art and new 3D models really ramped up this year.

April - December 2021

  • We hosted our item contest! Fans submitted dozens of illustrations of creative new items to be added to the game. First place went to FossilFace with their submission of the “Twined Dolls!” We love how eerie and unique the artwork for this item is.

  • Around the end of the year we started sharing initial versions of this demo with certain publishers.

  • Near the end of the year we also held an emote and sticker contest for our Discord server! The community voted on Djinnet’s DeerDogLUL sticker, and by the winner’s request, MechidParty by Billy was also added to the server. Both of these emotes are still commonly used.



January - March 2022

  • By early 2022, after an intense year of work, the VSL was fully completed. While it had been shown to a few publishers we’d been in ongoing discussions with before now, this is when we considered it ready to be shared with all of the publishers who had expressed interest in the game. 

  • With a singleplayer demo in our hands, we reached out to numerous new publishers, and traveled to GDC2022 to meet with nearly 20 of them in person. These talks went extremely well! Within days after returning home from GDC, conversations with multiple publishers progressed further than ever and started getting very serious.

  • We also spent a lot of time hashing out details of the game’s main story and creating narrative outlines for each of the missions.

  • A lot of 2D art and 3D models were completed this year.

  • At this point, all of the money raised from the Kickstarter had been spent, and from this point forward the project was now being funded by loans and deferred compensation.

April - June 2022

  • On April 1st, Reddit held an r/Place event and we decided to get in on the action. We gave the community an image to keep on the board until the end. With great effort, we succeeded! Bashful_Strider was revealed as a reward for everyone’s victory. The team still remembers this event very fondly. 

  • Part of the team spent almost all of their time either in meetings with publishers, preparing/creating documents or other materials for publishers, reaching out to new publishers, negotiating, replying, etc. The remainder of the team was taking the feedback noted down from those meetings and making incremental improvements to the VSL.

  • Around this time we entered into the final stages of discussion with 3 or 4 publishers. The way things were going it felt like all but a guarantee that things were going to work out with 1 or more of them. They had a ton of fun with what they played, liked our team, approved our budget, and really saw the potential of Kindred Fates like we did.

July - September 2022

  • For various reasons that differed between publishers, discussions were dragging out. It felt like running a marathon and being put on a treadmill one step away from the finish line. We’re only slightly paraphrasing here, but we’d often hear things like:

    • “The game plays great, the budget is good, but we’ve never published a game like this.”

    • “We love this game, we believe in it, we want to publish it, but it’s a little outside our budget.”

    • “We’re all on board with this, but our company is restructuring right now so things are up in the air.”

    • “We approved it, our boss approved it, his boss approved it, but his 12 year old nephew still needs to play it. If he likes it we’ll send over the deal terms.”

  • At the same time, we entered into a seemingly never ending cycle of iteration with other publishers. They played the vertical slice, enjoyed it, saw that we were capable of building it, but wanted to see, “just one more thing.” Oftentimes these were things we were previously told not to worry about because they “only care about the core gameplay.” These were also often frustratingly expensive additions to make without any commitment to further funding:

    • “We actually do want to see final polished visuals now.”

    • “We want to play a full main story mission now.”

    • “We want to play the demo on Switch now.”

    • “We didn’t finish it, the demo was too long, can you send a shorter version?”

    • “We finished the demo, but we want more content to explore, can you add even more POI?”

  • After several months of meetings, it became clear that while a dozen or so publishers were very interested in Kindred Fates, all of them actually wanted to see a highly polished full vertical slice before they were willing to commit to any sort of deal.

  • While we continued to have meetings with publishers we were already talking with, we halted searching for new publishers while we began work on the first chapter of the game. The 2021 VSL included one of the game’s major side quests, locations, and a dungeon; this new demo would take place in a different location and at the start of the game’s main story, and it would be as close to a final level of polish as possible.

  • After months of preparation, the community Wiki page went live! This was a huge community effort, largely spearheaded by members like Djinnet, Neevster, and supported by many dedicated volunteer editors who help keep it up to date.

  • In August and September, we held our Art Art Contest! Community members submitted gorgeous illustrations to be used as wall art for in-game models. We ended up with 3 pieces in the game that we really love, on top of tons of other amazing fan art we still love to look at to this day.

  • We spent some time with our Artificer backers to design a boss battle which they named “Shade Walker Atka!” It was really fun to see this collaborative process come together and create something wonderful.




  • At the request of a few publishers, we did some work on porting the game to Switch to make sure there wouldn’t be significant problems there.

  • We made quite a few 3D models this year to help build out the first chapter of the story.

  • The story’s different acts/chapters were defined in much finer detail, with a ton of work going into dialogue writing and missions.

  • Around this time, the video games industry entered the worst economic slump of the last 30 years. Industry giants who ballooned during the all time highs of the pandemic, were now closing studios and issuing massive layoffs, as interest in video games returned to more normal levels. This caused a ripple effect throughout the industry, leading to more and more studios closing or restructuring, and much less money available for funding overall.

January - March 2023

  • One piece of feedback we often heard early on from publishers was that they wanted a larger team who had previously released a game. To help remedy this as well as to speed up production towards a ready vertical slice, we partnered with a similarly sized studio for a time who was in between projects. Our goal was to complete the new vertical slice and use it to secure funding for both studios to continue working on the game together after the vertical slice was completed.

March - October 2023

  • By March they were familiarized with the project file and ready to begin working with us. They helped us with coding, animation, modeling, SFX/VFX, writing, and art direction.

  • By October the first chapter of the game was completed, and along with it, the full vertical slice that had been previously requested. This included starter Kinfolk, an improved lighting system, character customization, updated character models, several fully animated cutscenes, a more engaging narrative taking place at the beginning of the main story, and a few small side quests. The overall look of this demo was much, much more polished than the previous VSL and had more playable content overall. At this point the game was finally looking like what we had all envisioned! There was still plenty left to finish outside the first chapter, but within this demo it was without a doubt the full Kindred Fates experience.

  • We started to take submissions for both the Cryptic Journal and Tailor Kickstarter rewards. We’re very happy with all the submissions we’ve received and can’t wait to get them in the game!  

  • GymLeaderEd invited us to join the inaugural Monster Taming Direct! Here we unveiled Tadalon with an accompanying trailer. We were very pleasantly surprised when it became the “Oh, and one more thing before we go…” entry that year.

October to December 2023

  • Similar to July - September of 2022, part of the team was exclusively in publisher meetings and related prep, while the other part worked on minor improvements as they came up.

  • The new demo was received very positively by publishers, and discussions largely picked back up where they left off. Unfortunately, the state of the industry made this one of the worst possible times to be seeking funding. Over the next few months many of the publishers we were in talks with were forced to reorganize or close their doors.

  • After hearing plenty of feedback from the community as well as publisher talks still not progressing at the speed we had hoped even with a full vertical slice, we decided that we needed to shift our development attention to the Beta and make good on that promise, or we risked being stuck in a holding pattern forever.

  • Now severely limited by a lack of funding, and having shouldered the full cost of development from the beginning of 2022 until now, the pace of production was forced to slow.



January - July 2024

  • We knew we wanted all of our previous single player work on visuals, Kinfolk, abilities, and combat feel, to make it into the Beta. To do this, we needed to essentially port the Alpha mechanics (online matching, round system, team maker) over to the single player’s project file. 

  • This also meant we needed to recreate the arenas in the open world (especially since our terrain tools had improved significantly since the Alpha) but thankfully with better tools and more experience crafting environments from the single player, this was a relatively easy task.

August - December 2024

  • A lot of work went into fixing bugs introduced by posting the multiplayer side of the game over to the single player project file before we began the Beta rollout.

  • Funding became all but nonexistent by this point to the extent that we were no longer able to pay our developers. People need to feed their families, and this resulted in one of our developers leaving the project, albeit on good terms. Others had to take on more hours at 2nd jobs, meaning they had less time to devote to Kindred Fates. Naturally, this further slowed development.

  • It became clear to us that nearly every publisher we were talking to was too concerned with the state of the industry to take any risk. Those who weren’t were often bombarded with pitches for new projects from high profile studios who had just closed, or from studios with games already near completion.

  • Despite having the full vertical slice finished and proving we were capable of delivering on our promises, they still wanted the game to be more finished before agreeing to anything. We were told that we had a great game and really something special, but it still wasn’t enough. Unfortunately you can only take our word for it, but most publishers were genuinely excited about what we had to show them. Even with a lower budget than similar titles, they just felt they couldn’t take the risk with our budget due to the state of the industry.

  • We went to GDEX, TORG, and GalaxyCon where we met with fans, showcased the upcoming beta, and got your feedback. At GDEX (one of the largest indie game shows in the US) Kindred Fates won best in show Art and Design. Further confirmation people really do love what we’ve built, and that Kindred Fates is on the right track. After years of hearing from publishers that it wasn’t enough, this was deeply validating.

  • While we haven’t written off the idea of getting a publisher, we accepted that things probably weren’t going to progress with publishers anytime soon and we needed to change our plans. We decided that our best use of effort was to work on finishing the game as far as possible without external funding, and release it in early access to help secure further funding. Another benefit of Early Access is that publishers see games that are actively making revenue as less risky. It also allows us to request a smaller budget.


This overview isn’t exhaustive, but in addition to our newsletters it provides a general idea of where we’ve devoted our time over the years. It’s worth mentioning that all the work we put into preparing things for publishers didn’t go to waste. It’s all still progress towards the game releasing, and you’ll get to experience much of it in the early access release. Many of the people who we talked to were seasoned industry veterans who have worked on major titles, and gave us tremendous insight into how we could make Kindred Fates even better. Our talks also allowed us to make some useful connections in the industry that continue to benefit the game to this day.

While we’ve always done our best to communicate as best we can to our backers and community, we know that we’ve made mistakes along the way. On that note, despite our intentions to do more, our small team size has made certain community events more difficult over the years. Just as one example, we’ve had a few design contests in our backlog for over a year now, but the creative team is simply too busy with game development and organization to have the mental bandwidth to properly help organize and decide on winners for a contest. It’s a difficult balancing act.

We’re not here to make excuses. We only want to answer questions we’ve seen asked time and time again. We hope this post helps clear some things up and illustrates how challenging game development can be, but also how dedicated we are to seeing this through. 

From everyone on the team, thank you so much to our amazing backers. Despite the bumps, we couldn't have gotten this far without you. Thank you for your patience and understanding, and for reading this very long post. We want you to know that we're still doing everything in our power, every day, to make this game a reality. No matter how difficult it gets, as long as you’re still with us, we’re not giving up.

Any sane person would have stopped by now, but we started this because we really wanted a game like Kindred Fates. Sure we’re doing this for the community, and sure we’re doing it because we like the concept, but we’re really doing it because we want Kindred Fates to exist!

We hope you still feel the same.

Now, at the risk of making this already monstrously long post even longer, I do have one last thing for those of you who made it this far. I’d like to introduce you to (codename) Briar_Heart:

Let us know if you have questions. We're more than happy to answer them, talk with you, and provide further clarification.


We covered a lot in this announcement. Something we wanted to do was answer a few questions here that we thought might be common. We hope it helps! We may update this if we see the same question asked many times. (If you’re not viewing this on our website, you will need to go to our website to see the updates!)

  • Q: Why has this game taken so much longer than Palworld? Don’t you have a similar sized team and game?
    A: Some of our community have recently compared us to Palworld, wondering why we weren’t able to release as promptly as their team of 10 people (though their number increased to about 40 over time). It’s an understandable comparison since they’re both stylized open world monster catching games with action combat, but it’s important to keep in mind that every project is different, and even two games that appear similar on the surface often have very different needs. If comparing the two, Palworld had a budget of approximately 6.5 million USD (, and a team over twice the size of ours. Hopefully this helps illustrate that this type of game is expensive.

  • Q: Will Early Access be on the Switch?

    A: This is highly unlikely due to restrictions set by Nintendo on early access games. We also don’t currently have the resources to work on the PC and Switch versions at the same time for Early Access.

  • Q: Will [X] be in Early Access?
    A: Expect this to be covered in an announcement dedicated to Early Access down the road.

  • Q: I want to try Early Access on my computer, but I still want the full game on the Switch or DRM-Free. Can I do both?

    A: Yes, we want to make sure that if you want Switch or DRM-Free as your final copy, you can still try Early Access on your PC without losing the ability to receive your preferred copy. We're not entirely sure how we'll go about this yet (we'll likely have to issue some new keys), but it will be sorted out closer to EA. Note that while we aim for EA saves to be compatible with full release on PC, this will very likely be impossible between EA and Switch.

  • Q: I backed the game on Kickstarter. Are we still going to receive all the rewards we backed for?

    A: Of course! All Kickstarter rewards will be fulfilled eventually. We don't know yet if any of them will be featured in EA, but they'll be in the full game at minimum.